Companies making a sustainable difference.

Citycare Property

With a complex network of data suppliers and highly demanding requirements for emissions reporting, CityCare Property turned to BraveGen to eliminate tiresome spreadsheets, automate data collection, and ensure accurate, up-to-date insights for effective carbon reduction.

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National Australia Bank

NAB’s Head of Governance and Risk spent more than 2 months every year on sustainability reporting. Learn how we helped them take their time back through smart supplier data automation.

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As one of NZ’s largest banks, ASB made a long-term commitment to keeping its operations energy efficient. Learn how the ASB team used BraveGen to get the data they needed to achieve a 50% energy use reduction over their portfolio.

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Auckland Council

Auckland Council faced a unique challenge with their building portfolio, managing everything from large administration buildings to community facilities. They turned to BraveGen to help them realise $1.5 million of annual savings.

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You have a vision. We have a way to get you there.

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You have a vision. We have a way to get you there.

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